As homeschoolers, we have taken on a huge responsibility. We have taken a stand that says the world is not going to raise my children. The government is not going to raise my children. The church is not going to raise my children. Through my relationship with God and by His grace, we, as parents, are going to train up our children. We are going to start a walk across a raging river and with each new stepping stone, we are closer to the other side, the goal for which we are reaching.

But what does it mean to reach? To reach means that I must stretch and make an effort to get something. At times that reach may be short. At other times that jar on the top shelf of the cabinet will require a full stretch while standing on tip-toes. In each case, I reach.
But where do I reach? We are going to reach with each new stone, each lesson or concept, we step on as we cross the river. There will be other families crossing the same river, but maybe on different stones. If I see them slip, I need to reach to support them. If I see someone who has slipped into the river, I need to reach and attempt to pull them out of the river. That reach maybe in front of us or behind us, up or down, but it will be somewhere off of my stone. It is a natural reaction to reach. Do you stand by if you see your child falling? What about God’s children?
Reaching out to those around us
As we strive to train up our children, we, as a family, need to reach out to those around us. How about those struggling as new home schoolers? How about missionaries on the mission field? How about a home school parent who is struggling through the day and just needs to talk to someone who will encourage them?
We have to be careful though. We can reach too far. Since God has burdened your heart concerning homeschooling, satan is going to challenge you at every stone. If possible, satan will have you reach out until you fall into the river. It is a constant struggle to keep the goal in mind that we are homeschooling our children. There are times to say “No”. Do not be offended if the word “No” is used. Do not be afraid to use the word “No” along with the “Word” to stay focused.
How do we provide support for homeschoolers? By reaching. Reaching to help, reaching to support, reaching to calm, but most of all reaching to share. Reaching to share Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Christ was willing to reach with His outstretched arms on the cross, so we should be willing to teach our children by reaching out to those around us. Reaching the new homeschooler, those in other schools, the widow, those with newborn children, the elderly, the single parent, and those who are hurting. Are we willing to reach?
Copyright © August 1997 By Mark Chism (Updated July 2020)

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