One of my daughters is currently in Kindergarten. There are several safety skills we feel are important we implement for our kids to learn as soon as possible. We have taught her mommy and daddy’s name, our fire safety plan, and are working on the importance of phone numbers this month. These are essential safety skills we want our kids to know.
Teaching the fire safety plan and names was on the easier side, but memorizing a 10-digit phone number is more difficult. I have come up with a few activities and wanted to share those with you. We typically do one activity a day.
One activity is with bubbles. We would blow bubbles and say the number as we popped the bubble. Activity number 2 is creating a keypad on the driveway with chalk and have her stomp/jump the phone number out. The third activity is drawing out the phone number in sand like kinetic sand. Activity number 4 is number magnets and positioning them on the fridge or filing cabinet in the right order. Finally, activity number 5 is a worksheet.
I have created a worksheet with the keypad of my phone for my daughter to use to know where the buttons are. I will say the number slowly for her to write it out and then she will say the number aloud as she pushes the numbers on the worksheet. This has been extremely helpful! I have created two templates one for iPhone and one for android. You can download those by clicking on the picture of your choice.

I hope this helps with your little one to learn your phone number. Safety skills are VERY important for protecting your child! 😊
Feel free to reach out to me and Let’s encourage each other along our homeschool journey. I love to share my journey with other homeschool families through my homeschool meetings.

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