We love our little dog. We have had dogs from the beginning. We got our first puppy while we were engaged. One of the things we enjoy is taking our little doggie with us when we go places. Why have them if you can’t enjoy them?
Through the years we struggled as our children came along to take our dog or dogs with us. As they got older we actually came to have more than one dog. However, we always tried to maintain a small one that was ours. There are family pets and then there are pets who cling to certain family members. I happened to have one now who clings to me and I am so glad as he is my company the majority of the time now that the kids are grown.
When we travel we take him with us quite a bit. We needed to find something that he could have as his own space. We finally found it several years ago and take it with us everywhere we travel. He sees it and knows it is time to go on the road.
He has been in museums with us and on hikes and more. This is little space, that he is pretty fond of, has unraveled our frazzle more than once.
As we have traveled, we have had several people see our little doggie peaking through the mesh enjoying his ride. They have marveled at the little carrier and how it works. We are very lucky also in the fact that our little guy does not yap and is fairly quiet as he rides along. When we get back to the RV or the hotel then his little carrier transforms into his little space to hide away and rest. We are thankful for this little joy as it makes our trips more enjoyable. We can take our little companion almost anywhere.

It is it he little things that unravel the frazzle in my house. What has unraveled your frazzle lately?
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