Ideas for reading incentives: Each month my children set a goal for the number of books to read. As they read a book they get to build on something I have put up on the wall. Example November we put feathers on a Turkey. December we are putting sticker ornaments on a tree.
Laundry I have four hampers in my utility area. Lids off for easy access. One is for whites, one for colors, one for towels and one for special handling. This saves time by letting the family sort their own laundry.
Meals Do early prep for dinner during breakfast or lunch to make more relaxing meal in the evening.
Does your spouse need to be more involved in your home school?? Having a hard time getting him/her to be?
Set up a folder just for your spouse. Put special papers for him/her to see. Keep a blank piece of paper in the folder for you to jot down questions for your spouse to assist you in decision making. Don't just assume that your way is the right way get your spouses opinion on things. Make him/her know they are needed. If you are always doing it all and never making the effort to try to make your home school a partnership responsibility you will not get that support that you long for from your spouse.
Both of you have important jobs. Whether it be in the workforce or on the home front, they are both very physically and mentally draining. Use the folder idea to keep in touch. You might give it to the them daily, weekly, or maybe even monthly, depending on the situation. Wait for a good time.
To be involved in something you have to have some knowledge of what is going on. This is a good place to start.
Here's a suggestion for family-fun and shared memories. Take out an old shoe box or plastic container with lid. Young children can decorate it if you like. Keep it out and visible all week. Each day fill it with tid-bits from your life and that of your children's. One day include in an envelope height and weight measurements and/or hand prints of your kids. Jot down a humorous line your child may have said and stick it in. Write a love letter to your child and add that. Throw in a small, special toy, a piece of artwork, or school paper, a movie stub or a picture of grandma or an uncle. One day, ask your children to describe their dreams from the previous night; write it down and pop it in. The next day ask them what their favorite song, food, game, etc are. Drop those notes in. Stick a surprise gift from yourself in an envelope for your kids and add that. After seven days, seal up the box, label it on the outside and either store it away in an indoor closet or if you are brave, and the container is waterproof, bury your time capsule outdoors. Mark you calendars to dig it up next mother's day.
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